Highway Engineering Pavements Materials and Control of Quality - Medical Books
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Highway Engineering Pavements Materials and Control of Quality

Highway Engineering Pavements Materials and Control of Quality

Book Details :
Language English
Pages 868
Format PDF
Size 57.2 MB

Preface to Highway Engineering PDF

Highway engineering is the term that replaced the traditional term road engineering used in the past, after the introduction of modern highways.

Highway engineering is a vast subject that involves planning, design, construction, maintenance and management of roads, bridges and tunnels for the safe and effective transportation of people and goods.

This book concentrates on design, construction, maintenance and management of pavements for roads/highways.

It also includes pavement materials since they are an integral part of pavements.

It has been written for graduates, postgraduates as well as practicing engineers and laboratory staff and incorporates the author’s 30 years of involvement in teaching, researching and practicing the subject of highway engineering.

Advancements in pavement materials, design, construction, maintenance and pavement management and the globalisation of the market make it imperative for the highway engineer to be aware of the techniques and standards applied globally.

One of the objectives of the book is to provide integrated information on the abovementioned disciplines of highway engineering. Another objective is to include in one book both European and American standards and practices (CEN EN, ASTM, AASHTO and Asphalt Institute).

This would result in a more useful reference textbook to pavement engineering courses taught in European and American educational establishments.

Another objective of this book is to provide a reference textbook to practicing pavement engineers and materials testing laboratory staff, working in countries employing European or American standards and techniques.

Apart from information regarding European and American practices, the reader can also find some specific information on practices employed in countries such as the United Kingdom, France and Greece, as well as Australia.

In addition, this book also aims to provide integrated information related to pavement materials (soil, aggregates, bitumen, asphalts and reclaimed material),

material testing for acceptability and quality assurance, asphalt mix design, flexible and rigid pavement design, construction,

maintenance and strengthening procedures, quality control of production and acceptance of asphalts, pavement evaluation, asphalt plants and pavement recycling.

It also covers the basic principles of pavement management. The book in its 18 chapters contains many tables, graphs,

charts and photographs to assist the reader in learning and understanding the subject of pavement engineering and materials.

It also contains a great number of references, a valuable tool to help the reader seek more information and enhance his or her knowledge.

The short description of all pavement material testing procedures, required by European and American standards,

as well as pavement design and maintenance procedures covered, does not, by any means, substitute or replace the standards and procedures developed by the various organisations and agencies.

The reader is advised to always consult the standards or manuals developed when engaged in testing, design, construction or maintenance works.

It is hoped that this textbook will not only contribute to the understanding of the wide and challenging subject of pavement engineering but also enable a more effective and economical design,

construction and maintenance of pavements by employing updated standards, practices and techniques.

Acknowledgements of Highway Engineering PDF

I would like to express my deepest thanks to all those who encouraged me and contributed to the completion of this huge task.

I sincerely thank Dr. E. Manthos, Emeritus Prof. Alan Woodside, Prof. Waheed Uddin, Dr. Dave Woodward, Dr. Cliff Nicholls and last but not least Emeritus Prof. George Tsohos.

Since most of the text in this book is based on a similar Highway Engineering book (published in Greek) that I authored (2011), I also thank Miss Dimitra Kremida for assisting with the translation.

I also like to thank all organisations, institutions and private companies for providing and allowing me to use useful materials such as tables, figures and photographs.

The organisations and institutions I would like to thank are AASHTO, the Asphalt Institute, ASTM, Austroads, BSI, Caltrans, CEN EN, FAA, Highways Agency (UK), TRB (USA), TRL (UK), EAPA, Energy Institute, EUROBITUME, ICE (UK), NAPA, OECD and PIARC.

The private companies I would like to thank are Ames Engineering Inc., AMMANN Group, AntonPaar ProveTec GmbH, APR Consultants, ARRB Group Ltd.,

Atlas Copco, Cooper Research Technology Ltd., Douglas Equipment, DYNAPAC, Dynatest International A/S, Euroconsult, FACE Companies, Findlay Irvine Ltd.,

Fugro Roadware, GSSI Inc., Impact Test Equipment Ltd., Interlaken Technology Corp., International Cybernetics Corp., MALÅ, Moventor Oy Inc.,

Nippo Sangyo Co. Ltd., Pavement Technology Inc., PipeHawk Plc., Roadtec Inc. (ASTEC), ROMDAS, Sarsys AB, Surface Systems & Instruments Inc.,

T&J Farnell Ltd., Vectra (France), VTI, WayLink Corp., WDM Ltd., Wirtgen GmbH, ARRA and Greenwood Engineering A/S.

Finally, I would like to thank all those who supported me (at a close distance) during the countless hours of writing this book.

Special thanks go to my wife, son, mother, brother, sister and close friends.

Their patience in tolerating my unsociable behaviour at times and their words of encouragement were the main factors that helped me write and finish this book.

I will never forget their contribution and I thank them all from the bottom of my heart.

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