Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete and Concrete-Making Materials - Medical Books
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Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete and Concrete-Making Materials

Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete and Concrete-Making Materials

Book Details :
Language English
Pages 661
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Foreword to Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete

THIS PUBLICATION is a revision and expansion of Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete and Concrete-Making Materials (STP 169C) published in 1994.

That publication in turn replaced editions published in 1956, 1966, and 1978.

The present publication includes a number of new materials and test methods that have been developed, or materials that have increased in importance since the 1994 edition.

Two most useful additions are the chapters on slag as a cementitious material and self-consolidating concrete.

As in the previous editions, chapters have been authored by individuals selected on the basis of their knowledge of their subject areas,

and in most cases because of their participation in the development of pertinent specifications and test methods by ASTM Committee C09 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and, in some cases, ASTM Committee C01 on Cement.

The authors developed their chapters in conformance with general guidelines only. Each chapter has been reviewed and, where necessary, coordinated with chapters in which overlap of subject matter might occur.

This latest edition has been developed under the direction of the Executive Committee of ASTM Committee C09 by coeditors Joseph F. Lamond, Consulting Engineer, and James H. Pielert, Consultant, both members of Committee C09.

Introduction to Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete

ASTM STP 169C, SIGNIFICANCE OF TESTS AND Properties of Concrete and Concrete-Making Materials, was published in 1994.

ASTM Committee C9 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates has once again decided the time was appropriate to update and revise this useful publication to reflect changes in the technology of concrete and concrete-making materials that have taken place since that time.

New materials have appeared on the scene, along with a greater appreciation of the capabilities of concrete as a basic construction material.

Committee C9 and its subcommittees have made significant changes in many of its specifications and test methods to reflect these changes.

New specifications and testing techniques have been developed to provide for informed use of new materials and new uses for concrete.

Hydraulic cement concrete is a product composed of many materials and produced in many forms.

The quality of concrete is dependent on the quality of the constituent materials and related manufacturing, testing, and installation processes.

Since 1914, ASTM Committee C9 has played a vital role in promoting the quality of concrete by developing specifications, testing methods, and practices for concrete and concrete-making materials.

This has been possible through the dedication and commitment of its volunteer members over the years. Committee C9 first published Report on Significance of Tests of Concrete and Concrete Aggregates, ASTM STP 22, in 1935, with an updated report published in 1943.

ASTM STP 169 was published in 1956, followed by ASTM STP 169A in 1966, ASTM STP 169B in 1978, and ASTM STP 169C in 1994.

Following this brief introduction, this special publication is organized into six parts: General, Freshly Mixed Concrete,

Hardened Concrete, Concrete Aggregates, Concrete-Making Materials Other than Aggregates, and Specialized Concretes, with revised and new chapters.

In Part I, the chapters consist of general subjects on the nature of concrete, sampling, variability, and testing laboratories. A new chapter deals with modeling cement and concrete properties.

Part II deals with the properties of freshly mixed concrete.

Part III concerns itself with the properties of hardened concrete.

Part IV deals with concrete aggregates.

The order of the chapters has been revised. They are now presented in the order that most concerns concrete users: grading, density, soundness, degradation resistance, petrographic examination, reactivity, and thermal properties.

Some of the chapter titles have changed and the previous chapter on pore systems has been included in the chapter on density.

Part V includes materials other than aggregates. The title of the chapter on curing materials was changed to reflect current technology of materials applied to new concrete surfaces.

The chapter on mineral admixtures has been separated into two chapters, one on supplementary cementitious materials and the other on ground slag.

Part VI, on specialized concretes, contains one new chapter on self-consolidating concrete.

The subcommittee structure of Committee C9 has been modified to accommodate this need.

The editors, along with ASTM Committee C9 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates, believe this new edition will serve the concrete industry well.

The editors selected authors and their chapters were reviewed in accordance with ASTM’s peer review procedures.

C9 subcommittees having jurisdiction over the subjects for pertinent chapters participated informally in the review process.

The editors appreciate the help and guidance of these people and the cooperation of ASTM Committee C1 on Cement in providing authors for the two chapters on cement.

Some of the authors in ASTM 169C are no longer active in Committee C9.

The co-editors and Committee C9 members wish to dedicate this edition to those authors who have died since ASTM STP 169C was published.

They are Paul Klieger, Ed Abdur-Nur, Bill Dolch, Jack Scanlon, Bob Philleo, Bill DePuy, Bryant Mather, Ron Mills, and Owen Brown.

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